My mission is to inspire and support you on your journey towards embracing your truest self.

Hi, I'm

Jacqueline Burbage

I am a Certified Yoga Therapist using somatic & embodiment practices to support your healing transformational journey.

I empower women to prioritize their well-being through their body awareness so they can re-discover who they TRULY are and build a life they are EXCITED to live.

My offerings stem from personal and professional experiences. Here are the trainings I've learned from over the last 15 years.

  • 200-Hour Yoga Training - Delray Beach, FL (2008)

  • 500-Hour Yoga Training - Boca Raton, FL (2013)

  • Yin Yoga certified with Joe Barnett

  • Restorative Yoga with Shauna McKay

  • Assisted two 200-Hour Yoga Trainings - San Diego, CA (2019 + 2020)

  • Online trainings with Janet Stone - Bhakti Yoga with mantras, Restorative Yoga, Ayurveda basics, Living the 8 Limbs

  • 600-Hour Yoga Therapy - Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

  • Somatic Attachment Therapy online - The Embody Lab

  • Vagal Toning online with Arielle Schwartz - The Shift Network

  • Yoga for Hips + Shoulders

  • Breathwork with Dan Brule - Breath Mastery online

  • Yoga for Eating Disorders (Sept 2023) 

  • Neuroscience of Slow, Kristine Webber, Subtle Yoga 

  • Subtle Body + Pranayama - Inner Peace Yoga (Sept 2023)

My story: How I transformed my life…

Our childhood experiences leave an indelible mark on our lives, shaping our identities and influencing our paths in profound ways.

​Growing up, my family moved frequently due to my father's job. While I cherished my father, the constant upheaval prevented me from ever feeling a true sense of belonging. Throughout my teenage years and into my twenties, I struggled with periods of depression and turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism. Uncertain of my identity and purpose, I found myself in jobs that failed to fulfill me but accommodated my nomadic lifestyle.

I continued to roam the West, seeking solace in places like Hawaii and California. Each move provided a temporary distraction from my inner turmoil. I mistakenly believed that changing my surroundings would bring clarity and resolution to my struggles. However, I soon realized that the allure of new beginnings only masked my pain temporarily. Eventually, the initial excitement would fade, leaving me once again lost and adrift.

Life became increasingly bleak and unbearable as I struggled to keep up with the relentless stressors while coping in unhealthy ways. I felt numb, depleted, and devoid of joy, with no clear path forward.

Then, everything changed on a life-altering day in Maui when I attended my first authentic yoga class. In that transformative moment, I experienced a profound awakening.

For the first time in years, I felt truly alive.

Yoga opened the door to a newfound sense of connection—to my spirit, my body, and my own presence. It breathed life back into my being, igniting a spark of vitality and sense of self.

Life began to shift right before my eyes, and I found myself captivated by the transformation unfolding within me.

As I deepened my yoga practice, I discovered an incredible sense of peace and clarity. Despite the occasional discomfort of self-reflection, I learned to embrace who I truly am and what nourishes my soul.

With each yoga session, my worries melted away, and my stress levels plummeted. I felt more present, more alive, and more joyful than ever before.

It was a revelation to rediscover the inner joy that had long lain dormant within me.

Driven by this newfound sense of purpose, I embarked on a journey to become a certified 200-hour RYT Yoga Teacher in 2008. With each certification in Trauma Awareness, Yin and Restorative Yoga, and eventually Yoga Therapy, I deepened my understanding of the profound impact yoga can have on our lives.

Of course, yoga isn't a magical cure-all. It requires dedication and effort, just like anything worthwhile. I've faced my fair share of challenges, including closing my successful juice business and navigating through a divorce.

But through it all, yoga has been my steadfast anchor. It has taught me that true happiness stems from within, independent of external circumstances.

My Why…

In 2020, our world underwent a profound shift unlike any other in recent memory. Faced with unprecedented circumstances, we found ourselves navigating uncharted territory. Mandates to stay home, wear masks, and limit social interactions left many feeling bewildered, powerless, and emotionally overwhelmed.

Amidst the chaos, I saw an opportunity – both for the world and for myself. It was a chance to pause, to embrace stillness, and to listen to the whispers of my soul. In this introspective space, I discovered new insights and perspectives that ignited my curiosity and fueled my passion for personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

Reflecting on the lessons gleaned from my own life challenges, I felt compelled to share my journey with others. Thus, The InBody Journey was born – a platform dedicated to empowering individuals to embark on their own path of self-discovery and transformation. Through yoga, mindfulness, and somatic practices, I aspire to guide others toward a deeper understanding of themselves and a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

Driven by a passion for empowering others to navigate life's complexities with resilience and grace, I am committed to providing support, guidance, and inspiration to all those who seek to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and healing. Through The InBody Journey, my mission is to create a nurturing space where individuals can cultivate inner harmony, embrace their authentic selves, and live their lives with purpose and intention.