Sangha Online Community

This space is a sanctuary for sharing, listening, and being seen and heard. Here, you are not alone; surrounded by kindred spirits, you can find solace, understanding, and strength.

Free Group Zoom Call - The third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm EST


In this intimate circle, all conversations are held in strict confidence, creating a safe and nurturing environment for authentic expression.

Exploring embodiment through yoga and meditation

For those of you who have journeyed with me through retreats and sessions, I extend a heartfelt invitation to stay connected and continue our collective growth. Together, we have forged bonds of trust and understanding, now we can create a sacred sangha of like-hearted women.

It is my deepest honor to offer a monthly gathering via Zoom, where we can come together for an hour of connection and support.

These gatherings will not be recorded, ensuring privacy and confidentiality. As we gather and grow together, we will gradually evolve into an online program offering mindful movement practices, breathwork, nervous system regulation techniques, and healing tools. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where together, we can deepen our connection to ourselves and each other.

The third Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm EST

  • September 18

  • October 16

  • November 20

  • December 18

  • January 15

You are welcome to invite a friend - someone you would like to join us in the community.