
Here, you'll find inspiring stories and feedback from individuals who have embarked on their journey with me. These testimonials highlight the transformative impact of Yoga Therapy sessions.

Love from Clients

“Jacqueline radiates wisdom + peace. I always feel relaxed, calm + empowered after I have a session with her. She has helped me with my anxiety in such a way that I am more aware and in control of my thoughts + emotions. Jacqueline has guided me inward to self discovery + self love.”

- Devin L

“Jacqueline has taught me the importance of living in the present moment, and the tools to do that through movement. I've learned the ability to be self-aware and self-regulate, and specific ways to calm my nervous system. I now can sense the onset of a panic attack earlier, and implement specific body-centric tools to calm myself in the present moment.”

- Rachel A

“I am calmer, more centered, and so much more in tune with my body and intuition after working with Jacqueline. This has really given me the gifts of self-trust, self-love, and self-acceptance in a way that would have been unthinkable just half a year ago. The level of benevolence and open-heartedness that Jacqueline has, in addition to her deep understanding of emotional states and energetic work, is an extremely rare combination and cannot be overstated.”

- Sofia V

“Jacqueline has an innate ability to connect with people and offer healing and guidance in an authentic, humble, and knowledgeable way. Her personality adds buoyancy and depth which is an amazing combination that allows for a safe place to grow.  Every time I attend a healing session with Jax, I exhale and come in contact with my core and my knowing.”

- Elizabeth N.

“Jacqueline's understanding of the nexus of the body, mind and spirit is deep and equaled by the radiant warmth, kindness and respect displayed to her students. She is all at once passionate and joyful and a true practitioner and student of what she teaches.  I always leave feeling greater inner joy, patience and peace.” 

- Willa

“Jacqueline, who I call Jax, encompasses the light and positive force to guide me to be my authentic self. Whether it is a breathing exercise or a way to navigate a personal experience or opening opportunities to learn from her network of caring and passionate practitioners. I am grateful to continue to learn from her one on one through her yoga therapy sessions and her offerings in the local community and beyond!"

- Dana

“What I love about taking yoga from Jax is everything.  Jax has great energy as a yoga teacher.  She teaches beyond the physical asana practice to include the mental, emotional, and even spiritual if you are open to receive it.”

- Erin K.

“Jacqueline is a perfect combo of not too airy-fairy "out there" yoga teacher and a practical relatable human being. I've witnessed her evolution as a teacher and student, and I love where she is at now.  It is her calling.”

- Jordana

“Jacqueline’s embodied teachings are presented as invitations to explore and tend to our own personal tender spots and cobwebs.  She encourages us to flow and move in a way that is intuitive and expansive.”

- Melissa V.

"The level of benevolence and open-heartedness that Jacqueline has, in addition to her deep understanding of emotional states and energetic work, is an extremely rare combination and cannot be overstated. I have never felt any kind of pressure or negative intention coming from her in all my time working closely with her. In fact, she has been nothing but extremely understanding and supportive.”


“From working with Jacqueline, the biggest shift I have noticed is how I am more responsive than reactive. I’ve practiced this both at work and in my relationship. I’m so grateful for the time we shared together. Your approach to meeting me at exactly where I was each week and holding space for me to discover more of myself is invaluable."

- T.B.

“Jacqueline is completely dedicated to the wellbeing of her clients, empowering them with the knowledge that they already contain all the answers, merely giving them new tools for access. My own outcomes reflect this perfectly. I am calmer, more centered, and so much more in tune with my body and intuition than at the start. This has really given me the gifts of self-trust, self-love, and self-acceptance in a way that would have been unthinkable just half a year ago."

- S.R.